Friday, May 29, 2020
My relationship with Panama is that of a beautiful marriage. I love Panama and I sometimes get carried away as I laud the people with sincere, heartfelt admiration and gratitude; I find myself having to calm myself down realizing that my listeners had lost interest minutes ago. I could talk about the beautiful beaches throughout the country, the luscious mountains of Boquete and El Valle or the excitement I get from fishing in Pedasi, Gamboa or any of the rivers my friend Luis Herrera is willing to explore with me. But that will only acquaint you with my likes and interests. This relationship runs deeper and as in any marriage, will get emotional at all levels.
I love the feeling that rushes over me every time I return from a trip abroad and just as we circle around to make our approach to land, I can see the lights at night dotting the ocean of the vessels awaiting transit or taking on provisions. My heart begins to pound and a sigh of relief washes over me; quite frankly, the plane could crash at that point and it’d be alright. I died in a country that I truly love.
I’m proud of the accomplishments Panama has gained over the 30 years that I’ve lived here. It’s no easy feat to take a country that had been ravished by a dictatorship, its military ripped apart and reformed as a police force, a constitution newly formed and revisited, giving it life and economic growth. So proud that I constantly boast these accomplishments to everyone I know “back home”.
Not everyone understands why I’m here. Some have gone to the point of mocking me, sarcastically saying things like,
“Hey man, how’s that place you live in… …was that, Cuba??” But I’m used to it. They don’t need to understand.
“Yeah man, Cuba, there’s nothing like living in an independent socialist republic managed as an authoritarian state.”, and they go back to sipping their beers totally oblivious to what I said.
I assure you that at rest, I am completely void of snobbery. Come to think of it, I’m barely miffed if someone confuses me as being from Michigan instead of Wisconsin. (I mean, really? Michigan!? Only John Brock and Greg Norton admit being from Michigan!) But, I am prominently enamored of Panama and will lash back when prodded.
But it hasn’t always been this way. When I received military orders to be stationed in Panama, I was eager to trade orders with anyone who’d be willing to do it. What the hell is a Panama? The problem was that seemingly everyone wanted to trade orders with me; for some reason, everyone else wanted to go. But, Momma didn’t raise no stupid gringos… (except maybe for my sister Andreé – let’s see if she reads this). I didn’t know what I was up against, but I knew that I had to go. Just the same, I was unsure about coming to Panama. I hadn’t even had the opportunity to do my job yet. This was my first assignment. I barely even knew the language I was taught at the Defense Language Institute and I wasn’t even sure where Panama was on a map. Ironically, I did very well in High School geography. I could rattle off the countries of any region of the world and many of their capitals… …except for Central or South America. Ironically, since High School, I didn’t want anything to do with the Spanish language or the countries related to the language. We were obligated with taking 2 years of any language available on the school curriculum. Anything from the massive surplus of languages available, those being Latin, German or Spanish. Yep, out of three languages, it was easy which I would study… …German. I actually studied 4 full high school years of it. That may not mean much to most, but I could survive in any bar in Germany for a few minutes at least. If I need an adult beverage; “Ein bier bitte.” When I demand entertainment; “Dreht das Radio an, bitte.” And when I’m feeling frisky and looking for a good old fashioned Wisconsin bar fight; “Farhe fort und Mach mein tag!” (that’s really bad German, leaning towards Dirty Harry…)
OK, back on topic…
I used to be a dirty gringo. When I left the service and inadvertently became a private investigator, I was a bit cocky. It’s the Mikkelson in me; got it from Dad. Very proud. Too proud. Oh, but when I was recently arrived Panama, it was worse. It was a lot worse. Little did I know but to my good fortune, I would eventually meet a good group of people who would slowly mold me and place me on my path to who I am now. But first, this moody, temperamental ball of repressed rage needed to show everyone how freakin awesome he was. (So many stories, so few pages).
One of those guys was Stephen Kleppe. Born in Chicago, but with an inexplicable passion for my Greenbay Packers; we hit it off immediately. We were also “roommates” for a while and served with C Company as fellow interrogators. One night in 1990, my broke ass decided that I’d tag along with the more financially stable and morally inappropriate gang hoping for a handout. I wish I could remember the name of that awesome Mexican restaurant that used to be on Via Argentina in front of the park. It was a great little place and we frequented it often. I remember though, the very first night I went. I was still in full culture shock mode and everything to me was either fascinating, too humid or revolting. That night it was raining; it was a steady rain. When suddenly one of the most disgusting, nasty, filthy dump trucks that I’d ever seen before, pulled up to the curb. Then these two scraggly, filthy, horrible guys started grabbing at make-shift garbage drums, loose garbage on the street all the while slurring vulgar colloquial phrases to one another. I wasn’t one to hold back with euphemisms either and my margarita-poisoned tongue began to slur back towards them.
“What the f%#!! Grab your filthy trash and get the f%$# out of here you nasty…” …when Stephen, sitting across from me, abruptly grabbed my bicep and sternly, yet politely, with a certain measured disgust on his face, said something I’d never heard before.
“Don’t be a dirty gringo.”
I didn’t know what that meant, but I knew what it implied. I was being my usual dickish self. Embarrassed, I looked over at the waste disposal individuals and kinda figured that they didn’t even hear me over the roar of their burly machine and the pitter patter of the rain off the blackened street. I respected Kleppe quite a bit, so I toned it down and decided to behave for the rest of the evening.
The following day, I still had that term “Dirty Gringo” in my head. We met for lunch and I asked him what that meant. With that typical Kleppe half-cocked smile, he first told me, “It means, don’t screw up my evening picking a fight with a stranger when I’m trying to have a good time!”
“Cmon, you know what I mean, you were so serious when you said it. What gives?”, I insisted. I had to know.
“Fine. When you’re out on the street having a good time, you’re not just a stupid soldier having drinks at a random bar. You’re an American representing our country. It doesn’t matter if you’re a soldier, contractor, tourist or whatever. The locals are only going to see one thing; you’re an American. The impression that you make while getting drunk in a bar and being an ass, is a lasting impression, more powerful than anything else we’ve done to build us up in a positive light. Even if you’re being treated poorly by a local, just turn the other cheek and be the better man. But more importantly, never be that Dirty Gringo.”
And from there, the molding began…
Two strategic tests to encircle the disease: For all countries to make correct decisions in favor of public health, they first need to identify well the magnitude of the enemy that threatens us: the new SARSCOV-2 coronavirus.
Tests to detect and diagnose the virus are key. Two types of tests are now available: a rapid test that serves as a first filter and a molecular test that confirms the diagnosis.
Who will be evaluated? People who have symptoms of the disease or who are within a group of the population with high chances of having been infected.
How do the tests work? We explain step by step:
- It is similar to a blood test.
- It does not detect the virus directly, but rather identifies the IgM and IgG antibodies present in our blood or plasma when we become ill with COVID-19.
- Reagents are used to detect them.
- If the sample reveals a high amount of antibodies, the test is positive. This means that a person has or had the disease recently.
- The result takes about 15 minutes and does not require complex laboratory equipment.
- It is based on the analysis of the RNA * of the virus.
- First, a sample of discharge is taken from the patient’s nose or deep throat. * RNA or ribonucleic acid, carries the genetic material of certain viruses, such as SARS-VOC-2.
- Then, in a test tube, the sample is mixed with fluorescent reagents that, if the virus exists, adhere to it.
- The exam takes hours because it is a process that is performed in a laboratory with specialized equipment. It is the most reliable to confirm or rule out the disease
- If the sample crosses a fluorescence threshold, the test is positive and confirms the presence of the virus.
One test cannot replace the other. To combat the COVID-19 pandemic quickly, both are now necessary.
Serological tests will help:
- Have a real dimension of the spread of the virus.
- Better track the chains of disease transmission.
- Detect asymptomatic patients or those who at some point had the virus and did not notice it.
- Identify the transmission of the virus by geographical areas and age groups.
The President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced this Friday, May 29, the end of the relationship between his country and the World Health Organization (WHO), accusing them of since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic of being too lenient with Beijing.
“Because they have not made the requested and much-needed reforms, today we will end our relationship with the World Health Organization,” Trump told reporters.
Trump had already suspended the delivery of funds to the UN agency a month ago, accusing it of mishandling the Covid-19 pandemic.
Ten days ago, the magnate accused the WHO of being a “puppet” of China since the health crisis erupted, and said the freezing of funds would become permanent unless the agency made “substantial improvements.”
The Republican leader said Thursday that the United States “will redirect those funds to other urgent public health needs” on the planet.
“The world needs responses from China about the virus. We must have transparency,” he added.
Beijing has vehemently denied accusations by the United States that it downplayed the threat when the virus first emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year.
China maintains that Washington is trying to shirk its responsibilities to the WHO and its failure to contain the pandemic.
The United States was the largest contributor to the WHO budget, providing it with at least $ 400 million last year.
Earlier this week, the UN health agency launched a new independent foundation for private donations, which it hopes will give it more control to direct philanthropic and public donations toward pressing problems like the coronavirus crisis.
The vast majority of WHO’s budget comes from voluntary contributions, which go directly from countries and other donors to the chosen destination.
The agency’s director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stated that the creation of the new foundation was unrelated to the Trump threat.
“It has nothing to do with the recent funding problems,” the chief said on Wednesday, detailing that greater financial flexibility had been among his long-term goals since he took over leadership of the organization in July 2017.
Starting Monday, you can go outside during the day, but if you thought that lifting the quarantine meant that you could travel to your beach house or visit your relatives inland, well you’re wrong. The sanitary fences remain.
There are sanitary fences located in La Pesa de La Chorrera; The Lakes in Capira; Santa María and the crossing of Ocú in Herrera. There are also on the Costa Arriba and Costa Abajo in Colón and in Viguí.
‘The sanitary fences will continue, they do not get up, do not try to go to your beach house or to the farm, nobody can be doing these things, everyone should stay in their province and not be carrying viruses to other places, that for Let it be clear ‘, warned the Minister Counselor for Health Affairs, Eyra Ruíz.
The authorities have explained that people to be able to travel inland must request a safe-conduct or document that helps them cross,
“since if you work in Panama you have nothing to go to Chiriquí, Santiago, Los Santos or other provinces”, Ruíz clarified.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the term “herd immunity” or collective immunity has resonated a lot, which implies a massive contagion of people to develop antibodies and thus prevent the disease from spreading further.
In Sweden, for example, it was estimated that around 40% of Stockholm residents would develop immunity to the new coronavirus by the end of May. However, studies carried out in other countries indicate that so far none have managed to achieve this percentage of immunity.
In Spain, 5% of people have been infected while, in France, only 4.4% of the population. This is far from the 60% of infections that epidemiologists believe is necessary for herd immunity to exist.
This reverses the argument that the Swedish government used to not implement the drastic containment measures that were applied in other European countries.
In the Scandinavian nation, schools did not close, only universities. Leisure venues also remained open. Activities that were prohibited in the rest of Europe, here were only recommendations that a part of the population followed.
Even the country model was taken as an example for others.
The Swedish government’s top science adviser, Anders Tegnell, has realized that his predictions that there would be 40% immunity before the second wave of autumn will not occur.
According to Tegnell, it was decided to adopt this strategy because it was with a “long-term” vision.
“Once you enter a confinement, it is difficult to get out of it,” Tegnell said at a press conference.
So far in the country there are more than 30 thousand infections and 3,698 deaths, a higher number than that of its neighbors in Denmark, Norway and Finland, who did impose confinement measures.
Wrong approach
Dr. Michael J. Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program, warned that the idea of herd immunity “is a really dangerous calculation.”
Ryan said that you have to be very careful when talking about a high number of infections to achieve collective immunity, since you could fall into “brutal” policies that do not give enough importance to people’s lives.
Likewise, specialists from Johns Hopkins University have said that they consider this approach to be “wrong”.
With 237 thousand contracts temporarily suspended as a result of the economic paralysis caused by the new coronavirus and with the forecast that more than 400 thousand people will be unemployed at the end of the year, the dialogue for labor development, in which the Government, a private company, are participating. and workers, it is under deep pressure.
From May 1 a tripartite table was installed with the aim of establishing a dialogue and subsequent consensus regarding the measures that will be taken for the preservation of jobs and the sustainability of the economy.
The idea is that the country find a way to deal with the job depression that the new coronavirus will leave, so it was determined that the tripartite table would have a period of two months to prepare the proposals that must be delivered to the Executive Branch.
This period will expire on June 30 and, for now, there is no firm proposal in which employers and workers fully agree. In fact, the unions representing the workers temporarily suspended the participation of their representatives in the commissions, as of May 27.
The work mechanics established that the discussions and the respective consensus on the issues would be taken in the three work commissions, and then be sent to a plenary or main table and, subsequently, be elevated to the Executive.
In the absence of consensus, the plenary had nothing to validate, while the position of the unions forced yesterday to decree the meetings of the commissions suspended and to call for today, at 10:00 am, a plenary meeting to define the future of dialogue.
From the Executive, it is observed with special concern what happens at the table, since they hope to make decisions based on the contribution of all sectors, including workers, and avoid subsequent conflicts.
Julio de la Lastra, president of the National Council of Private Enterprise (Conep) and spokesman for the businessmen in the dialogue, revealed that the points of conflict are the issues related to modifications of the Labor Code.
The intention of the businessmen is “to agree on certain temporary measures that allow companies to emerge afloat in this terrible crisis and, therefore, try to preserve the greatest number of jobs,” he said.
In this sense, he explained that many proposals have been considered.
“From which he talks about allowing workers to be paid based on the hours worked until [the modifications to] the working hours. All the proposals are being analyzed and discussed, and there is nothing set in stone neither from one sector nor from another ”.
The eight union organizations participating in the dialogue decided to leave the commissions since last Wednesday, because, they allege, their criteria are not considered and the Executive has already taken decisions of a normative nature on the issues that are being discussed at the tripartite table.
Eduardo Gil, representative of Union Convergence, explained that Executive Decree 81 of 2020, of the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (Mitradel), which established the temporary suspension of contracts, indicated that once the state of emergency had ended, all suspended workers they would return to their jobs.
According to the union representative, this was modified through Executive Decree 96, and companies are allowed to reactivate contracts gradually. Gil pointed out that a day before the publication of this regulation, there was a tripartite table meeting, with the participation of the Mitradel, and nothing was announced or commented on.
In a letter addressed to the moderator of the dialogue, Juan Bosco Bernal, the union groups indicated that the mechanisms used to resolve the differences
“have not been the most efficient; Furthermore, we have been denouncing that the Executive Branch legislates outside the agreements at the table. ”
Executive Decree 96 also establishes that companies that reactivate their operations
“may agree with the reinstated workers to reduce the working hours during the validity of the state of national emergency.”
According to Gil, this wording opens the possibility for the reduction to be made without an agreement between the parties and calls for the mandatory consent of the employees to be established. The possibility of some suspended workers rejoining temporary contracts was discussed in several sessions, but the proposal was rejected by the unions, which cling to the current Labor Code. While the workers point out that the employers want to take advantage of the crisis to make hiring more flexible, the unions see the unions as an intransigent position that is not in accordance with the magnitude of the crisis that the country is going through.
Focus: The importance of a national consensus
Social dialogue, tripartism, that is, the concurrence of the labor sector, employers and the Ministry of Labor as regent and mediator, is important for the development of labor relations.
At times like this, the parties must put interests in order to preserve the majority of jobs, under the health and safety measures proposed by the authorities.
Turning your back on much-needed social dialogue is nothing more than running away from a responsibility that carries both the workers and employers sector. This burden is not solely of the State.
In the end, either through dialogue or by decision of the labor administration, measures must be taken that are temporary in labor law, possibly unpopular, but that tend to be a palliative to overcome a career whose obstacles and distance we do not know with certainty.
As an example, remember Law No. 13 of 1990, which, in the midst of a post-invasion, established temporary measures regarding collective labor law, due to the impoverished economy in which our country found itself. Faced with a clear increase in the unemployment rate and job terminations, you must take the leadership of a statesman and be aware that these will undoubtedly occur; to say otherwise is to deceive us. Because of this, it is imperative to adapt temporary labor standards in order to ensure that we can eventually re-emerge as the Phoenix.
The leader of the Association of Doctors, Dentists and Allied to the Social Security Fund (Amoacss), Fernando Castañeda denied on Friday that there is a political position by showing the union’s disagreement with the opening of Block 2 of economic activities, from next Monday June 1.
Castañeda reiterated the mistakes or failures of government institutions in the fight against COVID-19, when
“there is a Ministry of Social Development that has not been effective in reaching the hungry population, a Ministry of Commerce and Industries that made a I relax with the safe conducts, a Ministry of Labor and Labor Development that has not protected the works…. it seems that what they are doing to justify this Modular Hospital of dubious origin, is the abrupt opening so that the cases are raised ”.
The leader maintained on RPC Radio that the openings should be gradual
“little by little, for example there are areas where at the moment the indicators are not working in favor, recently, boxes were detected in Puerto Armuelles where there were no cases.”
He reiterated that the mortality and lethality rate per inhabitant in Panama is one of the highest in Latin America. The contagion rate increases by 1,000 cases every three to four days.
Castañeda questioned the lack of supplies of personal protective equipment in quantity and quality, as well as the lack of appointments of more personnel to attend the pandemic.
He called on the general population to follow hygiene measures and social distancing, the use of masks and avoid going out as much as possible, so as not to expose themselves to contagion, such as “sheep of the flock to the street to die.”
“We do not want to see the Panama Canal as a PDVSA, with respect for that institution, but we do not want to see ourselves there,” the administrator of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), Ricaurte Vásquez, responded this Friday, after being consulted on the political pressures that are exerted on the country’s main asset to extract more economic resources.
PDVSA or Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A., is a Venezuelan state oil company controlled by the Nicolás Maduro regime.
Although he did not offer details, in the virtual forum Café con La Prensa, Vásquez acknowledged that the economic crisis caused by Covid-19 has affected the country and
“this creates all kinds of social pressure, in which respect for the Canal’s institutionality it is a critical element in these circumstances.”
Vásquez acknowledged that the effects of the coronavirus are being felt in the interoceanic route, with a drop in ship traffic in the months of April and May.
“We are beginning to feel the impact of the situation on traffic,” and reported that in April, 169 fewer than expected traffic was recorded. That month there was a transit of 1,022 ships. In May, 915 ships have passed through. .
“This tells us which are the market segments that are most affected, the first is that of cruise passengers,” said Vásquez, indicating that they have had 45 fewer cruises compared to the 2019 season.
He added that other segments affected by Covid-19 are the transportation of rolling stock of vehicles and gas, due to the fall in prices and demand.
“I do not believe that the fundamental economic conditions that existed have changed, but rather that the pandemic has accelerated the adjustments that had to be made in the area of trade,” and emphasized the importance of meeting the budgeted goal.
“We have done exercises that can give up to 700 million less, but everything will depend on how the traffic behaves.”
Faced with this panorama of reduced income for the ACP, Vásquez stated that the problem lies in how deep it can fall, how slow the economy will be and how long this impact can last.
Regarding the measures that have been taken to avoid the spread of the virus in the state, Vásquez said that they are working with 6,400 people on the route, and that another part of the staff is teleworking. The ACP’s payroll is 9,600 workers.
“Shifts have been changed and we have made rotations longer and the objective is to reduce the risk for Canal personnel,” said the administrator. He stressed that all contracts with personnel and their suppliers will be respected.
Likewise, he stressed that a series of modifications will be made to place physical barriers and seek physical distance in the areas of operations. Additionally, in June it will begin operating with a new protocol, following the guidelines that the Ministry of Health (Minsa) has dictated for all companies that want to operate under a state of sanitary emergency.
As for the administration of the resources that the Canal administers, he stressed that the institutionality of the route must be respected.
“I anticipate that there may be a lot of pressure on the Panama Canal to assume roles that are not part of the route. It is very difficult to manage the Canal where everyone believes that the Canal has to provide a solution. The country has in general: government, private and labor companies, we must contribute to reinventing ourselves ”, emphasized Vásquez.
Both Mi Bus and the Panama Metro announced that this Monday, June 1, they will apply a social distancing strategy to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the public transport system, taking into account the opening of the second block of economic activities.
In the Mi Bus case, it usually had an estimated daily demand of 600 thousand passengers, who were transported in a fleet of 1,347 units, but with the health crisis, 55% of its bus fleet remained operating.
However, Luis Campana, general manager and president of the board of directors of Mi Bus, stressed that when the Government decided to open block 1 of economic activitiesthey increased the operation of their fleet to 65%, and with the opening of block 2 this June 1 will grow to 90%.
“The idea is that by June 16 we will be working 100%,” he said.
Regarding the plan to avoid contagions within his transport units, Campana explained that the first thing is to follow the instructions of the Ministry of Health regarding the mandatory use of the mask.
In addition, he reported that up to 34 users can travel on white and blue buses, while up to 30 people on white and orange buses. That represents about 40% of the vehicle’s capacity.
In turn, he specified that users will not be able to use the seats marked with a red X.
“In the same way, we continue to disinfect our buses and the paid areas,” added the manager of Mi Bus, who called on people who are not within block 2 of activities to mobilize at times of less population flow. work to avoid crowds.
According to the Mi Bus reports between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm, it is when a “lesser flow” of people is reported inside their buses, so that this period of time would be the ideal for users who they are not within block 1 and 2 use the transport service.
Meanwhile, Luis Carlos Díaz, director of operations for the Panama Metro, announced that they are scheduled to operate at 40% of total capacity. In other words, only 80 people may be in each train car.
From this Monday it is expected that the flow of people in the subway will increase, considering that the restriction on driving by gender and by the last number of ID is also lifted.
“We have established ourselves as a top 40% of the transport capacity, that means that approximately 400 people must go for each train, which gives a figure of 80 people per wagon,” Díaz explained.
Díaz reported that starting on Monday the number of trains on line 1 will increase, which will operate with 21, while line 2 with 17. In addition, he recommended the use of the mask.
He added that the turnstiles at the stations are configured so that the trains operate with the maximum capacity of 40% of passengers.
“Our schedule is maintained from 5 in the morning until 8 at night. Nine stations in the system remain closed and in the middle of the week we will make an evaluation of the demand and we will be communicating the gradual reopening of these stations as the demand increases,” added Díaz.
Doctors and advisers from the Ministry of Health such as Javier Nieto argue that compliance with sanitary measures and social distancing will be essential now that block 2 begins, because that will prevent future waves of new coronavirus cases that could lead the country to quarantine again absolute.
His call to the population was clear: “now each one owns his destiny.”
Given this, he calls on bank customers and consumers to stay informed with his bank about the measures taken to serve the public, while recommending that as far as possible they use digital channels such as: ATMs automatic, online banking and call centers, made available by each bank, in order to protect their health and that of their families, thus reducing the risk of contagion from the coronavirus.
Among the banks that have announced new hours are:
- Banco Nacional from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. at 3:00 p.m .; Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. at 12:00 p.m.
- Caja de Ahorros from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. at 3:00 p.m .; Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. at 12:00 p.m.
- Banco General from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. at 3:00 p.m .; Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. at 12:00 p.m.
- Global Bank Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. at 4:00 p.m .; Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. at 12:30 p.m.
He explains that this will be done in accordance with the new measures announced by the authorities on mobility changes as a result of COVID-19.
On the other hand, the Superintendency of Banks of Panama, announces that this entity will temporarily modify its hours of attention to the public and will extend it from 8:00 a.m. at 4:00 p.m. with the aim of continuing to provide services to users, customers, bank consumers, local banks and other regulated entities.
Likewise, the SBP will temporarily modify the hours of the officials, in two shifts: from 7:30 a.m. at 3:30 p.m. and from 8:00 a.m. at 4:00 p.m., this as established in Resolution No. SBP-ADM-0015-2020, of May 28, 2020.
“The measure is taken in response to Resolution No.405 of May 11, 2020, issued by the Ministry of Health, through which the Post-COVID-19 Guidelines were adopted in Panama, for the return to normality of the companies, these measures have been adopted in the SBP “, details the Superintendency of Banks in a statement.
- 12,531 positive cases
- 241 new cases
- 326 deaths
- 4,313 home isolation (526 hospital hotels)
- 273 are hospitalized in the ward
- 79 are hospitalized in intensive care
- 7,540 clinically recovered
In the last 24 hours, Panama registered 6 deaths from COVID-19, bringing the virus deaths to 326, according to the epidemiological report of the Ministry of Health (Minsa).
241 new cases were detected, reaching a total of 12,531 accumulated cases.
The Ministry indicated that this report includes 159 accumulated cases that were notified by the Social Security Fund (CSS) out of time.
A total of 4,313 patients are in home isolation, including 526 in hotels, while 352 are hospitalized, 273 of them in the ward and 79 in intensive care.
There are 7,540 clinically recovered patients.
Lourdes Moreno, head of epidemiology at Minsa, asked the CSS to present a report of the cases pending examinations carried out in recent weeks, which have not been reported to the epidemiological surveillance system, in order to maintain timely information.
The Minsa asked the population to continue implementing measures such as physical distance, constant handwashing, and the correct use of masks to eradicate COVID-19.
Brett’s Comment: In two days, this represents 330 cases that CSS forgot to tabulate recently. Yesterday, the government reported that the 171 cases from CSS were from May 22-26. Today’s additional 159 cases, couldn’t be from BEFORE those dates… that wouldn’t make any sense if we base any of this “sense” on what the government reported yesterday. So, perhaps today’s numbers were truly only 241 new cases and yesterday’s numbers were truly only 232 new cases. I’m willing to believe that. But then, we need to add these new “other numbers” to the week of May 22 to 26. To be fair, we could add them evenly to each of the five days. If we divide 330 by 5, we would essentially have to add 66 cases to each of those days. So, the new calculations would be:
- May 22: instead of 151 cases, it would be 217 cases
- May 23: instead of 156 cases, it would be 222 cases
- May 24: instead of 259 cases, it would be 325 cases
- May 25: instead of 257 cases, it would be 323 cases
- May 26: instead of 264 cases, it would be 330 cases
- And for good measure May 27 was, without adding anything, a total of 281 new cases.
This is not a good look for Panama and this pandemic.
Coronavirus statistics from Day 1:
Daily COVID-19 Cases
Date | Cases | Difference | Percentage of Cases |
2023/07/23 - 2023/07/29 | 1047696 | 375 | 3.5% |
2023/07/16 - 2023/07/22 | 1047321 | 321 | 4.6% |
2023/07/09 - 2023/07/15 | 1047000 | 485 | 6.6% |
2023/07/02 - 2023/07/08 | 1046515 | 663 | 7.8% |
2023/06/18 - 2023/07/01 | 1045852 | 1909 | 10.0% |
2023/06/11 - 2023/06/17 | 1043943 | 1312 | 11.8% |
2023/06/04 - 2023/06/10 | 1042631 | 1302 | 11.1% |
2023/05/28 - 2023/06/03 | 1041329 | 1099 | 11.3% |
2023/05/21 - 2023/05/27 | 1040230 | 835 | 10.3% |
2023/05/14 - 2023/05/20 | 1039395 | 753 | 8.9% |
2023/05/07 - 2023/05/13 | 1038642 | 664 | 7.4% |
2023/04/30 - 2023/05/06 | 1037978 | 654 | 5.8% |
2023/04/03 - 2023/04/29 | 1037324 | 591 | 5.3% |
2023/04/16 - 2023/04/22 | 1036733 | 633 | 4.9% |
2023/04/09 - 2023/04/15 | 1036100 | 743 | 4.9% |
2023/04/02 - 2023/04/08 | 1035357 | 627 | |
2023/03/26 - 2023/04/01 | 1034730 | 949 | |
2023/03/19 - 2023/03/25 | 1033781 | 3123 | |
2023/03/18 | 1030658 | 108 | |
2023/03/17 | 1030550 | 123 | |
2023/03/16 | 1030427 | 112 | |
2023/03/15 | 1030315 | 121 | |
2023/03/14 | 1030194 | 144 | |
2023/03/13 | 1030050 | 43 | |
2023/03/12 | 1030007 | 51 | |
2023/03/11 | 1029956 | 74 | |
2023/03/10 | 1029882 | 86 | |
2023/03/09 | 1029796 | 85 | |
2023/03/08 | 1029711 | 91 | |
2023/03/07 | 1029620 | 90 | |
2023/03/06 | 1029530 | 25 | |
2023/03/05 | 1029505 | 55 | |
2023/03/04 | 1029450 | 65 | |
2023/03/03 | 1029385 | 50 | |
2023/03/02 | 1029335 | 91 | |
2023/03/01 | 1029244 | 73 | |
2023/02/28 | 1029392 | 110 | |
2023/02/27 | 1029282 | 31 | |
2023/02/26 | 1029251 | 38 | |
2023/02/25 | 1029213 | 63 | |
2023/02/24 | 1029150 | 66 | |
2023/02/23 | 1029084 | 42 | |
2023/02/22 | 1029042 | 14 | |
2023/02/21 | 1029028 | 38 | |
2023/02/20 | 1028990 | 14 | |
2023/02/19 | 1028976 | 22 | |
2023/02/18 | 1028954 | 53 | |
2023/02/17 | 1028901 | 60 | |
2023/02/16 | 1028841 | 50 | |
2023/02/15 | 1028791 | 58 | |
2023/02/14 | 1028733 | 78 | |
2023/02/13 | 1028655 | 23 | |
2023/02/12 | 1028632 | 34 | |
2023/02/11 | 1028598 | 93 | |
2023/02/10 | 1028505 | 67 | |
2023/02/09 | 1028438 | 71 | |
2023/02/08 | 1028367 | 76 | |
2023/02/07 | 1028291 | 77 | |
2023/02/06 | 1028214 | 35 | |
2023/02/05 | 1028179 | 25 | |
2023/02/04 | 1028154 | 87 | |
2023/02/03 | 1028067 | 73 | |
2023/02/02 | 1027994 | 70 | |
2023/02/01 | 1027924 | 93 | |
2023/01/31 | 1027831 | 112 | |
2023/01/30 | 1027719 | 35 | |
2023/01/29 | 1027684 | 43 | |
2023/01/28 | 1027641 | 103 | |
2023/01/27 | 1027538 | 100 | |
2023/01/26 | 1027438 | 117 | |
2023/01/25 | 1027321 | 104 | |
2023/01/24 | 1027217 | 116 | |
2023/01/23 | 1027101 | 51 | |
2023/01/22 | 1027050 | 49 | |
2023/01/21 | 1027001 | 112 | |
2023/01/20 | 1026889 | 115 | |
2023/01/19 | 1026774 | 138 | |
2023/01/18 | 1026636 | 134 | |
2023/01/17 | 1026502 | 163 | |
2023/01/16 | 1026339 | 58 | |
2023/01/15 | 1026281 | 69 | |
2023/01/14 | 1026212 | 126 | |
2023/01/13 | 1026086 | 172 | |
2023/01/12 | 1025914 | 201 | |
2023/01/11 | 1025713 | 221 | |
2023/01/10 | 1025492 | 83 | |
2023/01/09 | 1025409 | 104 | |
2023/01/08 | 1025305 | 118 | |
2023/01/07 | 1025187 | 190 | |
2023/01/06 | 1024997 | 271 | |
2023/01/05 | 1024726 | 358 | |
2023/01/04 | 1024368 | 240 | |
2023/01/03 | 1024128 | 115 | |
2023/01/02 | 1024013 | 76 | |
2023/01/01 | 1023937 | 153 | |
2022/12/31 | 1023784 | 319 | |
2022/12/30 | 1023465 | 346 | |
2022/12/29 | 1023119 | 404 | |
2022/12/28 | 1022715 | 460 | |
2022/12/27 | 1022255 | 165 | |
2022/12/26 | 1022090 | 104 | |
2022/12/25 | 1021986 | 268 | |
2022/12/24 | 1021718 | 360 | |
2022/12/23 | 1021358 | 425 | |
2022/12/22 | 1020933 | 689 | |
2022/12/21 | 1020244 | 236 | |
2022/12/20 | 1020008 | 582 | |
2022/12/19 | 1019426 | 205 | |
2022/12/18 | 1019221 | 320 | |
2022/12/17 | 1018901 | 516 | |
2022/12/16 | 1018385 | 675 | |
2022/12/15 | 1017710 | 731 | |
2022/12/14 | 1016979 | 1029 | |
2022/12/13 | 1015950 | 1033 | |
2022/12/12 | 1014917 | 398 | |
2022/12/11 | 1014519 | 608 | |
2022/12/10 | 1013911 | 1142 | |
2022/12/09 | 1012769 | 1096 | |
2022/12/08 | 1011673 | 400 | |
2022/12/07 | 1011273 | 1742 | |
2022/12/06 | 1009531 | 1245 | |
2022/12/05 | 1008286 | 495 | |
2022/12/04 | 1007791 | 598 | |
2022/12/03 | 1007193 | 1104 | |
2022/12/02 | 1006089 | 1260 | |
2022/12/01 | 1004829 | 1378 | |
2022/11/30 | 1003451 | 1615 | |
2022/11/29 | 1001836 | 610 | |
2022/11/28 | 1001226 | 513 | |
2022/11/27 | 1000713 | 611 | |
2022/11/26 | 1002102 | 1105 | |
2022/11/25 | 1000997 | 1223 | |
2022/11/24 | 999774 | 1210 | |
2022/11/23 | 998564 | 1103 | |
2022/11/22 | 997461 | 1023 | |
2022/11/21 | 996438 | 350 | |
2022/11/20 | 996088 | 421 | |
2022/11/19 | 995667 | 731 | |
2022/11/18 | 994936 | 624 | |
2022/11/17 | 994312 | 446 | |
2022/11/16 | 993866 | 459 | |
2022/11/15 | 993407 | 571 | |
2022/11/14 | 992836 | 98 | |
2022/11/13 | 992738 | 174 | |
2022/11/12 | 992564 | 307 | |
2022/11/11 | 992257 | 102 | |
2022/11/10 | 992155 | 231 | |
2022/11/09 | 991924 | 260 | |
2022/11/08 | 991664 | 309 | |
2022/11/07 | 991355 | 98 | |
2022/11/06 | 991257 | 65 | |
2022/11/05 | 991192 | 115 | |
2022/11/04 | 991077 | 69 | |
2022/11/03 | 991008 | 172 | |
2022/11/02 | 990836 | 157 | |
2022/11/01 | 990679 | 175 | |
2022/10/31 | 990504 | 77 | |
2022/10/30 | 990427 | 73 | |
2022/10/29 | 990354 | 175 | |
2022/10/28 | 990178 | 118 | |
2022/10/27 | 990060 | 114 | |
2022/10/26 | 989946 | 144 | |
2022/10/25 | 989802 | 138 | |
2022/10/24 | 989664 | 52 | |
2022/10/23 | 989612 | 64 | |
2022/10/22 | 989548 | 99 | |
2022/10/21 | 989449 | 114 | |
2022/10/20 | 989335 | 73 | |
2022/10/19 | 989262 | 109 | |
2022/10/18 | 989153 | 120 | |
2022/10/17 | 989033 | 39 | |
2022/10/16 | 988994 | 49 | |
2022/10/15 | 988945 | 110 | |
2022/10/14 | 988835 | 98 | |
2022/10/13 | 988737 | 109 | |
2022/10/12 | 988628 | 123 | |
2022/10/11 | 988505 | 184 | |
2022/10/10 | 988321 | 53 | |
2022/10/09 | 988268 | 48 | |
2022/10/08 | 988220 | 109 | |
2022/10/07 | 988111 | 105 | |
2022/10/06 | 988006 | 121 | |
2022/10/05 | 987885 | 138 | |
2022/10/04 | 987747 | 111 | |
2022/10/03 | 987636 | 42 | |
2022/10/02 | 987594 | 41 | |
2022/10/01 | 987553 | 108 | |
2022/09/30 | 987445 | 92 | |
2022/09/29 | 987353 | 96 | |
2022/09/28 | 987257 | 128 | |
2022/09/27 | 987129 | 150 | |
2022/09/26 | 986979 | 76 | |
2022/09/25 | 986903 | 97 | |
2022/09/24 | 986806 | 156 | |
2022/09/23 | 986650 | 147 | |
2022/09/22 | 986503 | 167 | |
2022/09/21 | 986336 | 175 | |
2022/09/20 | 986161 | 221 | |
2022/09/19 | 985940 | 67 | |
2022/09/18 | 985873 | 119 | |
2022/09/17 | 985754 | 169 | |
2022/09/16 | 985585 | 218 | |
2022/09/15 | 985367 | 280 | |
2022/09/14 | 985087 | 270 | |
2022/09/13 | 984817 | 323 | |
2022/09/12 | 984494 | 122 | |
2022/09/11 | 984372 | 198 | |
2022/09/10 | 984174 | 314 | |
2022/09/09 | 983860 | 337 | |
2022/09/08 | 983523 | 383 | |
2022/09/07 | 983140 | 393 | |
2022/09/06 | 982747 | 497 | |
2022/09/05 | 982250 | 192 | |
2022/09/04 | 982058 | 296 | |
2022/09/03 | 981762 | 406 | |
2022/09/02 | 981356 | 487 | |
2022/09/01 | 980869 | 614 | |
2022/08/31 | 980255 | 629 | |
2022/08/30 | 979626 | 770 | |
2022/08/29 | 978856 | 296 | |
2022/08/28 | 978560 | 439 | |
2022/08/27 | 978121 | 717 | |
2022/08/26 | 977404 | 762 | |
2022/08/25 | 976642 | 913 | |
2022/08/24 | 975729 | 974 | |
2022/08/23 | 974755 | 1077 | |
2022/08/22 | 973678 | 339 | |
2022/08/21 | 973339 | 539 | |
2022/08/20 | 972800 | 919 | |
2022/08/19 | 971881 | 958 | |
2022/08/18 | 970923 | 969 | |
2022/08/17 | 969954 | 1157 | |
2022/08/16 | 968797 | 976 | |
2022/08/15 | 967821 | 479 | |
2022/08/14 | 967342 | 563 | |
2022/08/13 | 966779 | 845 | |
2022/08/12 | 965925 | 1031 | |
2022/08/11 | 964894 | 1119 | |
2022/08/10 | 963775 | 1167 | |
2022/08/09 | 962608 | 1233 | |
2022/08/08 | 961375 | 441 | |
2022/08/07 | 960934 | 634 | |
2022/08/06 | 960300 | 897 | |
2022/08/05 | 959403 | 1046 | |
2022/08/04 | 958357 | 905 | |
2022/08/03 | 957452 | 1010 | |
2022/08/02 | 956442 | 1099 | |
2022/08/01 | 955343 | 413 | |
2022/07/31 | 954930 | 561 | |
2022/07/30 | 954369 | 800 | |
2022/07/29 | 953569 | 930 | |
2022/07/28 | 952639 | 904 | |
2022/07/27 | 951735 | 1052 | |
2022/07/26 | 950683 | 1160 | |
2022/07/25 | 949523 | 502 | |
2022/07/24 | 949021 | 548 | |
2022/07/23 | 948473 | 838 | |
2022/07/22 | 947635 | 944 | |
2022/07/21 | 946691 | 1002 | |
2022/07/20 | 945689 | 1184 | |
2022/07/19 | 944505 | 1160 | |
2022/07/18 | 943345 | 534 | |
2022/07/17 | 942811 | 728 | |
2022/07/16 | 942083 | 1137 | |
2022/07/15 | 940946 | 1182 | |
2022/07/14 | 939764 | 943 | |
2022/07/13 | 938821 | 1424 | |
2022/07/12 | 937397 | 1713 | |
2022/07/11 | 935684 | 704 | |
2022/07/10 | 934980 | 863 | |
2022/07/09 | 934117 | 2007 | |
2022/06/08 | 932110 | 1578 | |
2022/06/07 | 930532 | 1693 | |
2022/06/06 | 928839 | 1762 | |
2022/06/05 | 927077 | 1137 | |
2022/06/04 | 925940 | 686 | |
2022/06/03 | 925254 | 926 | 16.9% |
2022/06/02 | 924328 | 1338 | 17.1% |
2022/06/01 | 922990 | 1626 | 18.3% |
2022/06/30 | 921364 | 1624 | 13.9% |
2022/06/29 | 919740 | 1828 | 18.3% |
2022/06/28 | 917912 | 1989 | 18.8% |
2022/06/27 | 915923 | 886 | 18.0% |
2022/06/26 | 915057 | 1125 | 18.9% |
2022/06/25 | 913932 | 1584 | 18.0% |
2022/06/24 | 912348 | 1826 | 19.3% |
2022/06/23 | 910522 | 2130 | 19.7% |
2022/06/22 | 908392 | 1957 | 18.7% |
2022/06/21 | 906435 | 2080 | 19.0% |
2022/06/20 | 904355 | 826 | 18.6% |
2022/06/19 | 903529 | 1143 | 19.0% |
2022/06/18 | 902386 | 2053 | 19.2% |
2022/06/17 | 900333 | 1451 | 14.9% |
2022/06/16 | 898882 | 1958 | 19.1% |
2022/06/15 | 896924 | 2080 | 18.7% |
2022/06/14 | 894844 | 2389 | 19.5% |
2022/06/13 | 892455 | 1106 | 18.5% |
2022/06/12 | 891349 | 1389 | 18.3% |
2022/06/11 | 889960 | 2323 | 19.1% |
2022/06/10 | 887637 | 2591 | 19.5% |
2022/06/09 | 885046 | 2793 | 20.5% |
2022/06/08 | 882253 | 3244 | 21.2% |
2022/06/07 | 879009 | 3523 | 21.9% |
2022/06/06 | 875486 | 1692 | 20.6% |
2022/06/05 | 873794 | 1942 | 20.5% |
2022/06/04 | 871852 | 3056 | 22.4% |
2022/06/03 | 868796 | 3296 | 22.3% |
2022/06/02 | 865500 | 3789 | 22.7% |
2022/06/01 | 861711 | 3443 | 22% |
2022/05/31 | 858268 | 3819 | 22.6% |
2022/05/30 | 854449 | 1842 | 22.2% |
2022/05/29 | 852607 | 2123 | 21.1% |
2022/05/28 | 850484 | 3109 | 22.4% |
2022/05/27 | 847375 | 3678 | 24.1% |
2022/05/26 | 843697 | 3951 | 24.4% |
2022/05/25 | 839746 | 3825 | 22.7% |
2022/05/24 | 835921 | 3876 | 24.3% |
2022/05/23 | 832045 | 1758 | 20.8% |
2022/05/22 | 830287 | 2167 | 20.7% |
2022/05/21 | 828120 | 3203 | 22.7% |
2022/05/20 | 824917 | 3417 | 20% |
2022/05/19 | 821500 | 3842 | 22% |
2022/05/18 | 817658 | 3506 | 20.7% |
2022/05/17 | 814152 | 3910 | 22.2% |
2022/05/16 | 810242 | 1799 | 21.4% |
2022/05/15 | 808443 | 2166 | 20.8% |
2022/05/14 | 806277 | 3054 | 21.8% |
2022/05/13 | 803223 | 3248 | 23.3% |
2022/05/12 | 799975 | 3514 | 21.7% |
2022/05/11 | 796461 | 3324 | 21.5% |
2022/05/10 | 793137 | 3307 | 21.5% |
2022/05/09 | 789830 | 1359 | 22.4% |
2022/05/08 | 788471 | 1615 | 21.1% |
2022/05/07 | 786856 | 2672 | 21.6% |
2022/05/06 | 784184 | 1919 | 20.5% |
2022/05/05 | 782265 | 2117 | 18.4% |
2022/05/04 | 780148 | 1838 | 17.9% |
2022/05/03 | 778310 | 652 | 14.3% |
2022/05/02 | 777658 | 538 | 11.9% |
2022/05/01 | 777120 | 700 | 13.3% |
2022/04/30 | 776420 | 932 | 12.1% |
2022/04/29 | 775488 | 939 | 12.3% |
2022/04/28 | 774549 | 874 | 12.2% |
2022/04/27 | 773675 | 845 | 11.2% |
2022/04/26 | 772830 | 744 | 9.9% |
2022/04/25 | 772086 | 267 | 7.1% |
2022/04/24 | 771819 | 481 | 6.3% |
2022/04/23 | 771486 | 481 | 7.6% |
2022/04/22 | 771005 | 542 | 8.4% |
2022/04/21 | 770463 | 487 | 7.9% |
2022/04/20 | 769976 | 519 | 7.4% |
2022/04/19 | 769457 | 479 | 6.7% |
2022/04/18 | 768978 | 184 | 5.4% |
2022/04/17 | 768794 | 200 | 5.1% |
2022/04/16 | 768594 | 124 | 5.0% |
2022/04/15 | 768470 | 271 | 6.2% |
2022/04/14 | 768199 | 364 | 6.3% |
2022/04/13 | 767835 | 397 | 6.1% |
2022/04/12 | 767438 | 371 | 5.5% |
2022/04/11 | 767067 | 136 | 4.0% |
2022/04/10 | 766931 | 254 | 4.2% |
2022/04/09 | 766504 | 327 | 4.8% |
2022/04/08 | 766177 | 247 | 5.4% |
2022/04/07 | 766177 | 247 | 4.3% |
2022/04/06 | 765930 | 253 | 4.0% |
2022/04/05 | 765677 | 340 | 5.1% |
2022/04/04 | 765337 | 124 | 3.5% |
2022/04/03 | 765213 | 159 | 3.4% |
2022/04/02 | 765054 | 223 | 4.0% |
2022/04/01 | 764831 | 295 | 4.8% |
2022/03/31 | 764536 | 293 | 4.8% |
2022/03/30 | 764243 | 310 | 4.5% |
2022/03/29 | 763933 | 325 | 4.2% |
2022/03/28 | 763608 | 125 | 3.4% |
2022/03/27 | 763483 | 203 | 4.0% |
2022/03/26 | 763280 | 255 | 3.7% |
2022/03/25 | 763025 | 290 | 4.3% |
2022/03/24 | 762735 | 341 | 4.8% |
2022/03/23 | 762394 | 386 | 5.5% |
2022/03/22 | 762008 | 365 | 4.8% |
2022/03/21 | 761643 | 135 | 3.7% |
2022/03/20 | 761508 | 193 | 3.6% |
2022/03/19 | 761315 | 311 | 4.7% |
2022/03/18 | 761004 | 269 | 4.4% |
2022/03/17 | 760735 | 330 | 5.1% |
2022/03/16 | 760405 | 300 | 4.5% |
2022/03/15 | 760105 | 323 | 4.6% |
2022/03/14 | 759782 | 146 | 4.0% |
2022/03/13 | 759636 | 175 | 4.1% |
2022/03/12 | 759461 | 237 | 4.3% |
2022/03/11 | 759224 | 301 | 5.0% |
2022/03/10 | 758923 | 310 | 4.5% |
2022/03/09 | 758613 | 301 | 4.6% |
2022/03/08 | 758312 | 382 | 5.2% |
2022/03/07 | 757930 | 362 | 5.4% |
2022/03/06 | 757568 | 81 | 4.7% |
2022/03/05 | 757487 | 426 | 6.5% |
2022/03/04 | 757061 | 522 | 7.1% |
2022/03/03 | 756539 | 454 | 6.3% |
2022/03/02 | 756085 | 232 | 6.3% |
2022/03/01 | 755853 | 355 | 6.6% |
2022/02/28 | 755498 | 236 | 5.6% |
2022/02/27 | 755262 | 357 | 7.8% |
2022/02/26 | 754905 | 543 | 7.7% |
2022/02/25 | 754362 | 668 | 8.1% |
2022/02/24 | 753694 | 787 | 8.2% |
2022/02/23 | 752907 | 734 | 8.2% |
2022/02/22 | 752173 | 932 | 9.2% |
2022/02/21 | 751241 | 481 | 10.7% |
2022/02/20 | 750760 | 673 | 10.6% |
2022/02/19 | 750087 | 952 | 11.4% |
2022/02/18 | 749135 | 1219 | 13.6% |
2022/02/17 | 747916 | 1221 | 12.5% |
2022/02/16 | 746695 | 1328 | 12.5% |
2022/02/15 | 745367 | 1714 | 13.3% |
2022/02/14 | 739770 | 799 | 13.9% |
2022/02/13 | 742854 | 1203 | 14.5% |
2022/02/12 | 741651 | 1881 | 15.9% |
2022/02/11 | 739770 | 2111 | 17.5% |
2022/02/10 | 737659 | 2424 | 19.0% |
2022/02/09 | 735235 | 3028 | 20.0% |
2022/02/08 | 732207 | 3180 | 17.8% |
2022/02/07 | 729027 | 1614 | 19.9% |
2022/02/06 | 727413 | 2345 | 21.1% |
2022/02/05 | 725068 | 3589 | 21.0% |
2022/02/04 | 721479 | 4308 | 24.2% |
2022/02/03 | 717171 | 5210 | 24.2% |
2022/02/02 | 711691 | 6081 | 26.2% |
2022/02/01 | 705880 | 5606 | 21.6% |
2022/01/31 | 700274 | 3150 | 26.6% |
2022/01/30 | 697124 | 4490 | 27.2% |
2022/01/29 | 692634 | 7004 | 28.9% |
2022/01/28 | 685630 | 7502 | 30.4% |
2022/01/27 | 678128 | 8268 | 30.9% |
2022/01/26 | 669860 | 10481 | 35.5% |
2022/01/25 | 659379 | 9241 | 36.2% |
2022/01/24 | 650138 | 5455 | 37.6% |
2022/01/23 | 644683 | 7164 | 36.3% |
2022/01/22 | 637519 | 10629 | 36.3% |
2022/01/21 | 626890 | 11933 | 36.3% |
2022/01/20 | 614957 | 12351 | 34.3% |
2022/01/19 | 602606 | 10763 | 36.3% |
2022/01/18 | 591843 | 11519 | 33.2% |
2022/01/17 | 580324 | 5468 | 37.4% |
2022/01/16 | 574856 | 7278 | 36.0% |
2022/01/15 | 567578 | 8902 | 35.3% |
2022/01/14 | 558676 | 9530 | 33.4% |
2022/01/13 | 549146 | 9074 | 33.0% |
2022/01/12 | 540072 | 6513 | 27.6% |
2022/01/11 | 533559 | 4105 | 25.0% |
2022/01/10 | 529454 | 3139 | 23.0% |
2022/01/09 | 526315 | 4066 | 23.0% |
2022/01/08 | 522249 | 4804 | 20.2% |
2022/01/07 | 517445 | 5043 | 21.0% |
2022/01/06 | 512402 | 4623 | 21.5% |
2022/01/05 | 507779 | 4372 | 20.0% |
2022/01/04 | 503407 | 3259 | 16.7% |
2022/01/03 | 500148 | 1363 | 14.7% |
2022/01/02 | 498785 | 977 | 13.2% |
2022/01/01 | 497808 | 1888 | 12.8% |
2021/12/31 | 495920 | 2213 | 10.4% |
2021/12/30 | 493707 | 2664 | |
2021/12/29 | 491043 | 1348 | |
2021/12/28 | 489695 | 1354 | |
2021/12/27 | 488341 | 574 | |
2021/12/26 | 487767 | 563 | |
2021/12/25 | 487204 | 827 | |
2021/12/24 | 486377 | 865 | |
2021/12/23 | 485512 | 719 | |
2021/12/22 | 484793 | 668 | |
2021/12/21 | 484125 | 487 | |
2021/12/20 | 483638 | 252 | |
2021/12/19 | 483386 | 323 | |
2021/12/18 | 483063 | 386 | |
2021/12/17 | 482677 | 447 | |
2021/12/16 | 482230 | 406 | |
2021/12/15 | 481824 | 386 | |
2021/12/14 | 481438 | 382 | |
2021/12/13 | 481056 | 275 | |
2021/12/12 | 480781 | 208 | |
2021/12/11 | 480573 | 356 | |
2021/12/10 | 480217 | 127 | |
2021/12/09 | 480090 | 189 | |
2021/12/08 | 479901 | 338 | |
2021/12/07 | 479563 | 332 | |
2021/12/06 | 479231 | 178 | |
2021/12/05 | 479053 | 222 | |
2021/12/04 | 478831 | 288 | |
2021/12/03 | 478543 | 268 | |
2021/12/02 | 478275 | 285 | |
2021/12/01 | 477990 | 248 | |
2021/11/30 | 477742 | 134 | |
2021/11/29 | 477608 | 94 | |
2021/11/28 | 477514 | 208 | |
2021/11/27 | 477306 | 210 | |
2021/11/26 | 477096 | 223 | |
2021/11/25 | 476813 | 262 | |
2021/11/24 | 476611 | 268 | |
2021/11/23 | 476343 | 214 | |
2021/11/22 | 476129 | 132 | |
2021/11/21 | 475997 | 162 | |
2021/11/20 | 475835 | 258 | |
2021/11/19 | 475577 | 208 | |
2021/11/18 | 475369 | 203 | |
2021/11/17 | 475166 | 238 | |
2021/11/16 | 474928 | 193 | |
2021/11/15 | 474735 | 114 | |
2021/11/14 | 474621 | 168 | |
2021/11/13 | 474453 | 222 | |
2021/11/12 | 474231 | 229 | |
2021/11/11 | 474002 | 99 | |
2021/11/10 | 473903 | 185 | |
2021/11/09 | 473718 | 196 | |
2021/11/08 | 473522 | 106 | |
2021/11/07 | 473416 | 113 | |
2021/11/06 | 473303 | 120 | |
2021/11/05 | 473183 | 94 | |
2021/11/04 | 473089 | 84 | |
2021/11/03 | 473005 | 128 | |
2021/11/02 | 472877 | 141 | |
2021/11/01 | 472736 | 72 | |
2021/10/31 | 472664 | 130 | |
2021/10/30 | 472534 | 136 | |
2021/10/29 | 472398 | 201 | |
2021/10/28 | 472197 | 140 | |
2021/10/27 | 472057 | 173 | |
2021/10/26 | 471884 | 215 | |
2021/10/25 | 471669 | 132 | |
2021/10/24 | 471537 | 134 | |
2021/10/23 | 471403 | 150 | |
2021/10/22 | 471253 | 193 | |
2021/10/21 | 471060 | 205 | |
2021/10/20 | 470855 | 257 | |
2021/10/19 | 470598 | 203 | |
2021/10/18 | 470395 | 131 | |
2021/10/17 | 470264 | 102 | |
2021/10/16 | 470162 | 164 | |
2021/10/15 | 469998 | 202 | |
2021/10/14 | 469796 | 227 | |
2021/10/13 | 469569 | 129 | |
2021/10/12 | 469440 | 250 | |
2021/10/11 | 469190 | 108 | |
2021/10/10 | 469082 | 119 | |
2021/10/09 | 468963 | 223 | |
2021/10/08 | 468740 | 195 | |
2021/10/07 | 468545 | 220 | |
2021/10/06 | 468325 | 211 | |
2021/10/05 | 468114 | 253 | |
2021/10/04 | 467861 | 121 | |
2021/10/03 | 467740 | 175 | |
2021/10/02 | 467565 | 227 | |
2021/10/01 | 467338 | 225 | |
2021/09/30 | 467113 | 262 | |
2021/09/29 | 466851 | 262 | |
2021/09/28 | 466589 | 232 | |
2021/09/27 | 466357 | 179 | |
2021/09/26 | 466178 | 185 | |
2021/09/25 | 465993 | 257 | |
2021/09/24 | 465736 | 265 | |
2021/09/23 | 465471 | 324 | |
2021/09/22 | 465147 | 366 | |
2021/09/21 | 464781 | 341 | |
2021/09/20 | 464440 | 152 | |
2021/09/19 | 464288 | 250 | |
2021/09/18 | 464038 | 255 | |
2021/09/17 | 463783 | 324 | |
2021/09/16 | 463459 | 373 | |
2021/09/15 | 463086 | 316 | |
2021/09/14 | 462770 | 323 | |
2021/09/13 | 462447 | 223 | |
2021/09/12 | 462224 | 214 | |
2021/09/11 | 462010 | 420 | |
2021/09/10 | 461590 | 360 | |
2021/09/09 | 461230 | 401 | |
2021/09/08 | 460829 | 330 | |
2021/09/07 | 460499 | 426 | |
2021/09/06 | 460075 | 229 | |
2021/09/05 | 459844 | 325 | |
2021/09/04 | 459519 | 442 | |
2021/09/03 | 459077 | 439 | |
2021/09/02 | 458638 | 481 | |
2021/09/01 | 458157 | 670 | |
2021/08/31 | 457487 | 450 | |
2021/08/30 | 457037 | 371 | |
2021/08/29 | 456666 | 463 | |
2021/08/28 | 456203 | 676 | |
2021/08/27 | 455527 | 649 | |
2021/08/26 | 454878 | 548 | |
2021/08/25 | 454330 | 864 | |
2021/08/24 | 453466 | 480 | |
2021/08/23 | 452986 | 388 | |
2021/08/22 | 452598 | 614 | |
2021/08/21 | 451984 | 691 | |
2021/08/20 | 451293 | 669 | |
2021/08/19 | 450624 | 862 | |
2021/08/18 | 449762 | 838 | |
2021/08/17 | 448924 | 656 | |
2021/08/16 | 448268 | 444 | |
2021/08/15 | 447824 | 563 | |
2021/08/14 | 447261 | 852 | |
2021/08/13 | 446409 | 758 | |
2021/08/12 | 445651 | 956 | |
2021/08/11 | 444695 | 977 | |
2021/08/10 | 443718 | 900 | |
2021/08/09 | 442818 | 523 | |
2021/08/08 | 442295 | 979 | |
2021/08/07 | 441316 | 822 | |
2021/08/06 | 440494 | 895 | |
2021/08/05 | 4395999 | 818 | |
2021/08/04 | 438781 | 1037 | |
2021/08/03 | 437744 | 932 | |
2021/08/02 | 436812 | 337 | |
2021/08/01 | 436475 | 820 | |
2021/07/31 | 435655 | 1195 | |
2021/07/30 | 434460 | 915 | |
2021/07/29 | 433545 | 1022 | |
2021/07/28 | 432523 | 969 | |
2021/07/27 | 431554 | 1110 | |
2021/07/26 | 430444 | 495 | |
2021/07/25 | 429949 | 866 | |
2021/07/24 | 429083 | 1095 | |
2021/07/23 | 427987 | 1138 | |
2021/07/22 | 426849 | 1250 | |
2021/07/21 | 425599 | 1144 | |
2021/07/20 | 424455 | 1089 | |
2021/07/19 | 423366 | 688 | |
2021/07/18 | 422678 | 721 | |
2021/07/17 | 421957 | 1041 | |
2021/07/16 | 420916 | 1087 | |
2021/07/15 | 419829 | 1225 | |
2021/07/14 | 418604 | 1515 | |
2021/07/13 | 417087 | 857 | |
2021/07/12 | 416232 | 752 | |
2021/07/11 | 415480 | 833 | |
2021/07/10 | 414647 | 1021 | |
2021/07/09 | 413626 | 1160 | |
2021/07/08 | 412466 | 1240 | |
2021/07/07 | 411226 | 1222 | |
2021/07/06 | 410004 | 1276 | |
2021/07/05 | 408728 | 605 | |
2021/07/04 | 408123 | 793 | |
2021/07/03 | 407330 | 1317 | |
2021/07/02 | 406013 | 1030 | |
2021/07/01 | 404983 | 1205 | |
2021/06/30 | 403778 | 1197 | |
2021/06/29 | 402581 | 1249 | |
2021/06/28 | 401332 | 666 | |
2021/06/27 | 400666 | 789 | |
2021/06/26 | 399877 | 1057 | |
2021/06/25 | 398820 | 1093 | |
2021/06/24 | 397727 | 1201 | |
2021/06/23 | 396523 | 1077 | |
2021/06/22 | 395449 | 1208 | |
2021/06/21 | 394241 | 514 | |
2021/06/20 | 393727 | 583 | |
2021/06/19 | 393144 | 978 | |
2021/06/18 | 392166 | 976 | |
2021/06/17 | 391190 | 969 | |
2021/06/16 | 390221 | 1048 | |
2021/06/15 | 389173 | 848 | |
2021/06/14 | 388325 | 483 | |
2021/06/13 | 387842 | 715 | |
2021/06/12 | 387127 | 858 | |
2021/06/11 | 386269 | 916 | |
2021/06/10 | 385353 | 841 | |
2021/06/09 | 384512 | 779 | |
2021/06/08 | 383733 | 882 | |
2021/06/07 | 382851 | 376 | |
2021/06/06 | 382475 | 526 | |
2021/06/05 | 381949 | 827 | |
2021/06/04 | 381122 | 915 | |
2021/06/03 | 380207 | 701 | |
2021/06/02 | 379506 | 678 | |
2021/06/01 | 378828 | 731 | |
2021/05/31 | 378097 | 321 | |
2021/05/30 | 377776 | 348 | |
2021/05/29 | 377428 | 574 | |
2021/05/28 | 376854 | 617 | |
2021/05/27 | 376237 | 637 | |
2021/05/26 | 375600 | 663 | |
2021/05/25 | 374937 | 581 | |
2021/05/24 | 374356 | 235 | |
2021/05/23 | 374121 | 347 | |
2021/05/22 | 373774 | 466 | |
2021/05/21 | 373308 | 508 | |
2021/05/20 | 372800 | 579 | |
2021/05/19 | 372221 | 537 | |
2021/05/18 | 371684 | 539 | |
2021/05/17 | 371145 | 268 | |
2021/05/16 | 370877 | 344 | |
2021/05/15 | 370533 | 490 | |
2021/05/14 | 370043 | 588 | |
2021/05/13 | 369455 | 525 | |
2021/05/12 | 368930 | 562 | |
2021/05/11 | 368368 | 460 | |
2021/05/10 | 367908 | 252 | |
2021/05/09 | 367656 | 386 | |
2021/05/08 | 367270 | 508 | |
2021/05/07 | 366762 | 398 | |
2021/05/06 | 366364 | 389 | |
2021/05/05 | 365975 | 356 | |
2021/05/04 | 365619 | 320 | |
2021/05/03 | 365299 | 195 | |
2021/05/02 | 365104 | 260 | |
2021/05/01 | 364844 | 268 | |
2021/04/30 | 364576 | 358 | |
2021/04/29 | 364218 | 323 | |
2021/04/28 | 363895 | 362 | |
2021/04/27 | 363533 | 368 | |
2021/04/26 | 363165 | 198 | |
2021/04/25 | 362967 | 271 | |
2021/04/24 | 362696 | 338 | |
2021/04/23 | 362358 | 366 | |
2021/04/22 | 361992 | 314 | |
2021/04/21 | 361678 | 359 | |
2021/04/20 | 361319 | 275 | |
2021/04/19 | 361044 | 203 | |
2021/04/18 | 360841 | 244 | |
2021/04/17 | 360597 | 348 | |
2021/04/16 | 360249 | 419 | |
2021//04/15 | 359830 | 314 | |
2021/04/14 | 359516 | 395 | |
2021/04/13 | 359121 | 329 | |
2021/04/12 | 358792 | 181 | |
2021/04/11 | 358611 | 234 | |
2021/04/10 | 358377 | 279 | |
2021/04/09 | 358098 | 394 | |
2021/04/08 | 357704 | 427 | |
2021/04/07 | 357277 | 364 | |
2021/04/06 | 356153 | 357 | |
2021/04/05 | 356556 | 179 | |
2021/04/04 | 356377 | 304 | |
2021/04/03 | 356073 | 223 | |
2021/04/02 | 355850 | 351 | |
2021/04/01 | 355499 | 448 | |
2021/03/31 | 355051 | 447 | |
2021/03/30 | 354604 | 519 | |
2021/03/29 | 354085 | 246 | |
2021/03/28 | 353839 | 342 | |
2021/03/27 | 353497 | 480 | |
2021/03/26 | 353017 | 438 | |
2021/03/25 | 352579 | 497 | |
2021/03/24 | 352082 | 415 | |
2021/03/23 | 351667 | 454 | |
2021/03/22 | 351213 | 222 | |
2021/03/21 | 350991 | 326 | |
2021/03/20 | 350665 | 445 | |
2021/03/19 | 350220 | 715 | |
2021/03/18 | 349505 | 485 | |
2021/03/17 | 349020 | 440 | |
2021/03/16 | 348580 | 425 | |
2021/03/15 | 348155 | 236 | |
2021/03/14 | 347919 | 278 | |
2021/03/13 | 347641 | 415 | |
2021/03/12 | 347226 | 451 | |
2021/03/11 | 346775 | 474 | |
2021/03/10 | 346301 | 542 | |
2021/03/09 | 345759 | 523 | |
2021/03/08 | 345236 | 402 | |
2021/03/07 | 344834 | 357 | |
2021/03/06 | 344477 | 734 | |
2021/03/05 | 343743 | 462 | |
2021/03/04 | 343281 | 540 | |
2021/03/03 | 342741 | 722 | |
2021/03/02 | 342019 | 599 | |
2021/03/01 | 341420 | 505 | |
2021/02/28 | 340915 | 470 | |
2021/02/27 | 340445 | 664 | |
2021/02/26 | 339781 | 398 | |
2021/02/25 | 339383 | 682 | |
2021/02/24 | 338701 | 896 | |
2021/02/23 | 337805 | 718 | |
2021/02/22 | 337087 | 566 | |
2021/02/21 | 336521 | 484 | |
2021/02/20 | 336037 | 698 | |
2021/02/19 | 335339 | 876 | |
2021/02/18 | 334463 | 708 | |
2021/02/17 | 333755 | 504 | |
2021/02/16 | 333251 | 572 | |
2021/02/15 | 332679 | 500 | |
2021/02/14 | 332179 | 487 | |
2021/02/13 | 331692 | 707 | |
2021/02/12 | 330985 | 910 | |
2021/02/11 | 330075 | 708 | |
2021/02/10 | 329367 | 891 | |
2021/02/09 | 328476 | 822 | |
2021/02/08 | 327654 | 563 | |
2021/02/07 | 327091 | 627 | |
2021/02/06 | 326464 | 977 | |
2021/02/05 | 325487 | 998 | |
2021/01/04 | 324489 | 1107 | |
2021/02/03 | 323382 | 1181 | |
2021/02/02 | 322201 | 1098 | |
2021/02/01 | 321103 | 724 | |
2021/01/31 | 320379 | 926 | |
2021/01/30 | 319453 | 1200 | |
2021/01/29 | 318253 | 1445 | |
2021/01/28 | 316808 | 1408 | |
2021/01/27 | 315400 | 1566 | |
2021/01/26 | 313834 | 1676 | |
2021/01/25 | 312158 | 914 | |
2021/01/24 | 311244 | 1393 | |
2021/01/23 | 309851 | 2058 | |
2021/01/22 | 307793 | 2041 | |
2021/01/21 | 305752 | 1975 | |
2021/01/20 | 303777 | 2243 | |
2021/01/19 | 301534 | 2173 | |
2021/01/18 | 299361 | 1342 | |
2021/01/17 | 298019 | 1750 | |
2021/01/16 | 296269 | 2677 | |
2021/01/15 | 293592 | 2307 | |
2021/01/14 | 291285 | 2877 | |
2021/01/13 | 288408 | 3315 | |
2021/01/12 | 285093 | 3740 | |
2021/01/11 | 281353 | 2157 | |
2021/01/10 | 279196 | 2424 | |
2021/01/09 | 276772 | 3735 | |
2021/01/08 | 273037 | 3946 | |
2021/01/07 | 269091 | 4321 | |
2021/01/06 | 264956 | 5186 | |
2021/01/05 | 259770 | 3540 | |
2021/01/04 | 256230 | 2494 | |
2021/01/03 | 253736 | 1972 | |
2021/01/02 | 251764 | 2031 | |
2021/01/01 | 249733 | 2943 | |
2020/12/31 | 246790 | 4046 | |
2020/12/30 | 242744 | 4465 | |
2020/12/29 | 238279 | 4574 | |
2020/12/28 | 233705 | 2348 | |
2020/12/27 | 231357 | 2633 | |
2020/12/26 | 228724 | 2064 | |
2020/12/25 | 226660 | 2986 | |
2020/12/24 | 223674 | 3413 | |
2020/12/23 | 220261 | 3059 | |
2020/12/22 | 217202 | 3164 | |
2020/12/21 | 214038 | 1699 | |
2020/12/20 | 212339 | 2755 | |
2020/12/19 | 209584 | 3274 | |
2020/12/18 | 206310 | 3015 | |
2020/12/17 | 203295 | 3348 | |
2020/12/16 | 199947 | 2960 | |
2020/12/15 | 196987 | 2368 | |
2020/12/14 | 194619 | 1612 | |
2020/12/13 | 193007 | 2422 | |
2020/12/12 | 190585 | 2806 | |
2020/12/11 | 187779 | 2355 | |
2020/12/10 | 185424 | 2477 | |
2020/12/09 | 182977 | 1811 | |
2020/12/08 | 181166 | 1936 | |
2020/12/07 | 179230 | 1511 | |
2020/12/06 | 177719 | 1812 | |
2020/12/05 | 175907 | 2300 | |
2020/12/04 | 173607 | 2388 | |
2020/12/03 | 171219 | 1880 | |
2020/12/02 | 169339 | 2028 | |
2020/12/01 | 167311 | 1505 | |
2020/11/30 | 165806 | 1077 | |
2020/11/29 | 164729 | 1276 | |
2020/11/28 | 163453 | 1709 | |
2020/11/27 | 161744 | 1457 | |
2020/11/26 | 160287 | 1755 | |
2020/11/25 | 158532 | 1602 | |
2020/11/24 | 156930 | 1272 | |
2020/11/23 | 155658 | 875 | |
2020/11/22 | 154783 | 1206 | |
2020/11/21 | 153577 | 1288 | |
2020/11/20 | 152289 | 1200 | |
2020/11/19 | 151089 | 1256 | |
2020/11/18 | 149833 | 1112 | |
2020/11/17 | 148721 | 1054 | |
2020/11/16 | 147667 | 1014 | |
2020/11/15 | 146653 | 1344 | |
2020/11/14 | 145309 | 832 | |
2020/11/13 | 144477 | 1125 | |
2020/11/12 | 143,352 | 887 | |
2020/11/11 | 142,465 | 1163 | |
2020/11/10 | 141,302 | 971 | |
2020/11/09 | 140331 | 804 | |
2020/11/08 | 139527 | 1021 | |
2020/11/07 | 138506 | 746 | |
2020/11/06 | 137760 | 1193 | |
2020/11/05 | 136567 | 543 | |
2020/11/04 | 136024 | 432 | |
2020/11/03 | 135592 | 677 | |
2020/11/02 | 134915 | 579 | |
2020/11/01 | 134336 | 738 | |
2020/10/31 | 133598 | 731 | |
2020/10/30 | 132867 | 822 | |
2020/10/29 | 132045 | 798 | |
2020/10/28 | 131247 | 825 | |
2020/10/27 | 130422 | 671 | |
2020/10/26 | 129751 | 551 | |
2020/10/25 | 129200 | 685 | |
2020/10/24 | 128515 | 649 | |
2020/10/23 | 127866 | 639 | |
2020/10/22 | 127227 | 792 | |
2020/10/21 | 126435 | 696 | |
2020/10/20 | 125739 | 558 | |
2020/10/19 | 125181 | 436 | |
2020/10/18 | 124745 | 638 | |
2020/10/17 | 124107 | 609 | |
2020/10/16 | 123498 | 615 | |
2020/10/15 | 122883 | 755 | |
2020/10/14 | 122128 | 832 | |
2020/10/13 | 121296 | 494 | |
2020/10/12 | 120802 | 489 | |
2020/10/11 | 120313 | 647 | |
2020/10/10 | 119666 | 825 | |
2020/10/09 | 118841 | 787 | |
2020/10/08 | 118,054 | 754 | |
2020/10/07 | 117300 | 698 | |
2020/10/06 | 116602 | 683 | |
2020/10/05 | 115919 | 633 | |
2020/10/04 | 115286 | 633 | |
2020/10/03 | 114653 | 691 | |
2020/10/02 | 113962 | 620 | |
2020/10/01 | 113342 | 747 | |
2020/09/30 | 112595 | 742 | |
2020/09/29 | 111853 | 576 | |
2020/09/28 | 111277 | 722 | |
2020/09/27 | 110555 | 447 | |
2020/09/26 | 110108 | 677 | |
2020/09/25 | 109431 | 705 | |
2020/09/24 | 108726 | 736 | |
2020/09/23 | 107990 | 706 | |
2020/09/22 | 107284 | 474 | |
2020/09/21 | 196810 | 607 | |
2020/09/20 | 106203 | 602 | |
2020/09/19 | 105601 | 722 | |
2020/09/18 | 104879 | 742 | |
2020/09/17 | 104138 | 672 | |
2020/09/16 | 103466 | 634 | |
2020/09/15 | 102838 | 628 | |
2020/09/14 | 102204 | 459 | |
2020/09/13 | 101745 | 704 | |
2020/09/12 | 101041 | 711 | |
2020/09/11 | 100330 | 615 | |
2020/09/10 | 99715 | 673 | |
2020/09/09 | 99042 | 635 | |
2020/09/08 | 98407 | 829 | |
2020/09/07 | 97578 | 535 | |
2020/09/06 | 97043 | 738 | |
2020/09/05 | 96305 | 709 | |
2020/09/04 | 95596 | 686 | |
2020/09/03 | 94914 | 830 | |
2020/09/02 | 94084 | 532 | |
2020/09/01 | 93552 | 570 | |
2020/08/31 | 92982 | 917 | |
2020/08/30 | 92065 | 728 | |
2020/08/29 | 91337 | 713 | |
2020/08/28 | 90624 | 642 | |
2020/08/27 | 89982 | 900 | |
2020/08/26 | 89082 | 701 | |
2020/08/25 | 88381 | 896 | |
2020/08/24 | 87485 | 585 | |
2020/08/23 | 86900 | 1420 | |
2020/08/22 | 85480 | 1143 | |
2020/08/21 | 84392 | 817 | |
2020/08/20 | 83855 | 842 | |
2020/08/19 | 83754 | 964 | |
2020/08/18 | 82790 | 598 | |
2020/08/17 | 82543 | 603 | |
2020/08/16 | 81940 | 1275 | |
2020/08/15 | 80665 | 1263 | |
2020/08/14 | 79402 | 956 | |
2020/08/13 | 78446 | 1069 | |
2020/08/12 | 77377 | 913 | |
2020/08/11 | 76464 | 1115 | |
2020/08/10 | 75394 | 857 | |
2020/08/09 | 74492 | 841 | |
2020/08/08 | 73651 | 1091 | |
2020/08/07 | 72560 | 1142 | |
2020/08/06 | 71418 | 1187 | |
2020/08/05 | 70231 | 807 | |
2020/08/04 | 69424 | 968 | |
2020/08/03 | 68456 | 1003 | |
2020/08/02 | 67453 | 1070 | |
2020/08/01 | 66383 | 1127 | |
2020/07/31 | 65256 | 1065 | |
2020/07/30 | 64191 | 922 | |
2020/07/29 | 63269 | 1046 | |
2020/07/28 | 62223 | 781 | |
2020/07/27 | 61442 | 1146 | |
2020/07/26 | 60296 | 1432 | |
2020/07/25 | 58864 | 871 | |
2020/07/24 | 57993 | 1176 | |
2020/07/23 | 56817 | 911 | |
2020/07/22 | 55906 | 753 | |
2020/07/21 | 55153 | 727 | |
2020/07/20 | 54426 | 958 | |
2020/07/19 | 53468 | 1207 | |
2020/07/18 | 52261 | 853 | |
2020/07/17 | 51408 | 1035 | |
2020/07/16 | 50373 | 1130 | |
2020/07/15 | 49243 | 1147 | |
2020/07/14 | 48096 | 923 | |
2020/07/13 | 47173 | 1540 | |
2020/07/12 | 45633 | 1301 | |
2020/07/11 | 44332 | 1075 | |
2020/07/10 | 43257 | 1040 | |
2020/07/09 | 42216 | 965 | |
2020/07/08 | 41251 | 960 | |
2020/07/07 | 40291 | 957 | |
2020/07/06 | 39334 | 1185 | |
2020/07/05 | 38148 | 1166 | |
2020/07/04 | 36983 | 988 | |
2020/07/03 | 35995 | 758 | |
2020/07/02 | 35237 | 774 | |
2020/07/01 | 34463 | 913 | |
2020/06/30 | 33550 | 765 | |
2020/06/29 | 32785 | 1099 | |
2020/06/28 | 31686 | 1028 | |
2020/06/27 | 30658 | 753 | |
2020/06/26 | 29905 | 868 | |
2020/06/25 | 29037 | 1007 | |
2020/06/24 | 28030 | 716 | |
2020/06/23 | 27314 | 562 | |
2020/06/22 | 26752 | 722 | |
2020/06/21 | 26030 | 808 | |
2020/06/20 | 25222 | 948 | |
2020/06/19 | 24274 | 923 | |
2020/06/18 | 23351 | 754 | |
2020/06/17 | 22597 | 635 | |
2020/06/16 | 21962 | 540 | |
2020/06/15 | 21422 | 736 | |
2020/06/14 | 20686 | 627 | |
2020/06/13 | 20059 | 848 | |
2020/06/12 | 19211 | 625 | |
2020/06/11 | 18586 | 697 | |
2020/06/10 | 17884 | 657 | |
2020/06/09 | 17233 | 379 | |
2020/06/08 | 16854 | 429 | |
2020/06/07 | 16425 | 421 | |
2020/06/06 | 16004 | 541 | |
2020/06/05 | 15463 | 418 | |
2020/06/04 | 15044 | 435 | |
2020/06/03 | 14609 | 514 | |
2020/06/02 | 14095 | 258 | |
2020/06/01 | 13837 | 374 | |
2020/05/31 | 13463 | 445 | |
2020/05/30 | 13018 | 487 | |
2020/05/29 | 12531 | 400 | |
2020/05/28 | 12131 | 403 | |
2020/05/27 | 11728 | 281 | |
2020/05/26 | 11447 | 264 | |
2020/05/25 | 11183 | 257 | |
2020/05/24 | 10926 | 259 | |
2020/05/23 | 10577 | 156 | |
2020/05/22 | 10267 | 151 | |
2020/05/21 | 10116 | 139 | |
2020/05/20 | 9977 | 110 | |
2020/05/19 | 9867 | 141 | |
2020/05/18 | 9726 | 120 | |
2020/05/17 | 9606 | 157 | |
2020/05/16 | 9449 | 181 | |
2020/05/15 | 9268 | 150 | |
2020/05/14 | 9118 | 274 | |
2020/05/13 | 8944 | 161 | |
2020/05/12 | 8783 | 167 | |
2020/05/11 | 8616 | 168 | |
2020/05/10 | 8448 | 166 | |
2020/05/09 | 8282 | 212 | |
2020/05/08 | 8070 | 202 | |
2020/05/07 | 7868 | 137 | |
2020/05/06 | 7731 | 208 | |
2020/05/05 | 7523 | 136 | |
2020/05/04 | 7387 | 190 | |
2020/05/03 | 7197 | 107 | |
2020/05/02 | 7090 | 370 | |
2020/05/01 | 6720 | 188 | |
2020/04/30 | 6532 | 195 | |
2020/04/29 | 6378 | 178 | |
2020/04/28 | 6200 | 179 | |
2020/04/27 | 6021 | 242 | |
2020/04/26 | 5779 | 241 | |
2020/04/25 | 5538 | 200 | |
2020/04/24 | 5338 | 172 | |
2020/04/23 | 5166 | 174 | |
2020/04/22 | 4992 | 171 | |
2020/04/21 | 4820 | 162 | |
2020/04/20 | 4658 | 191 | |
2020/04/19 | 4467 | 194 | |
2020/04/18 | 4273 | 63 | |
2020/04/17 | 4210 | 194 | |
2020/04/16 | 4016 | 265 | |
2020/04/15 | 3751 | 177 | |
2020/04/14 | 3574 | 102 | |
2020/04/13 | 3472 | 72 | |
2020/04/12 | 3400 | 166 | |
2020/04/11 | 3234 | 260 | |
2020/04/10 | 2974 | 222 | |
2020/04/09 | 2752 | 224 | |
2020/04/08 | 2528 | 279 | |
2020/04/07 | 2249 | 149 | |
2020/04/06 | 2100 | 112 | |
2020/04/05 | 1988 | 187 | |
2020/04/04 | 1801 | 128 | |
2020/04/03 | 1673 | 198 | |
2020/04/02 | 1475 | 158 | |
2020/04/01 | 1317 | 136 | |
2020/03/31 | 1181 | 106 | |
2020/03/30 | 1075 | 86 | |
2020/03/29 | 989 | 88 | |
2020/03/28 | 901 | 115 | |
2020/03/27 | 786 | 112 | |
2020/03/26 | 674 | 116 | |
2020/03/25 | 558 | 115 | |
2020/03/24 | 443 | 98 | |
2020/03/23 | 345 | 32 | |
2020/03/22 | 313 | 68 | |
2020/03/21 | 245 | 45 | |
2020/03/20 | 200 | 63 | |
2020/03/19 | 137 | 28 | |
2020/03/18 | 109 | 23 | |
2020/03/17 | 86 | 17 | |
2020/03/16 | 69 | 14 | |
2020/03/15 | 55 | 12 | |
2020/03/14 | 43 | 7 | |
2020/03/13 | 36 | 9 | |
2020/03/12 | 27 | 13 | |
2020/03/11 | 14 | 6 | |
2020/03/10 | 8 | 7 | |
2020/03/09 | 1 | 0 |
Never in my wildest dreams did I think this was going to be so easy. The boys respect me because despite my hot-headed past, I’m actually a pussycat now. Both Brett and Brandon have all the time in the world to spend doing just about anything they want. Brandon is the “creator” and is always looking for things to make and do. Brett is the gamer; he’s on Nintendo way too much. So, yesterday, I finally put my foot down and in true “cheap psychology” fashion, I gave them fair warning that they would have to pick out a book that they would have to read today. I didn’t care what the book was, as long as it was within their literary capacity and we would read every day, Monday through Friday for at least an hour. Brandon, as a joke, picked “Chicken Little”, but the board of directors on this project, namely me, shockingly voted him down. So, instead, and with no complaints from the board, he grabbed the Cub Scout handbook. Brett, thinking he was going to get a negative reaction out of me, chose a book on “How to Hack Minecraft”. To me, that was perfect. It had words in it and he’d actually be interested in reading said words. Today at 4:00p.m., after a bit of bickering and moaning, wining and complaining, they started to read, sitting pretty at one of my office desks for the span of a full hour. The first 15 minutes were hell for all of us. The complaining kept up and the tensions started to become too much to bear. I pulled the best dad card out of the deck at my disposal telling them, “If you refuse to read with me, for just one hour a day, then you’re losing the Nintendo.” SILENCE…..
After 30 minutes, I gave them a break from reading and asked them each what they learned. Brandon now knows that the Cub Scouts were officially formed in 1930, and that AKELA was the word referring to adults and others of respect. Brett was curiously emphatic about how he loved this book (that I bought him 2 Christmases ago) and found ways to spawn giants and other characters that he never knew about.
“So, what you’re telling me is that you opened a couple of books and actually learned something that interests you?”; neither of them wanted to admit it, but I think I found a way to get them hooked.
They continued and by 5PM, Brett had the only request; “Dad, on Monday, could we read starting at 5PM?”
“Not a problem, buddy!”
Stay safe… Stay healthy… And by all means STAY HOME!!…
(Thanks Stephen.)