Thursday, May 7, 2020 I started my day thinking quarantine life was going to be a lot easier for everyone, or at least for me. I strolled out to the back of the house to my happy place, with coffee cup in hand, filled to the brim with that warm amazingness, a touch of cream […]
Category Archives: Covid-19
Posts related to the virus SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19)
Mayo 06, 2020 El viceministro de Salud, Francisco Sucre anunció hoy que a partir del 8 de mayo le pondrán fin a la ley seca en Panamá. Sin embargo, la venta y consumo será de forma controlada. MINSA ANUNCIA QUE LAS FERRETERÍAS EN PANAMÁ PUEDEN OPERAR DESDE ESTE MIÉRCOLES La ministra Rosario Turner anunció este […]
Wednesday, May 6, 2020 I tend to get carried away on some topics… …kinda like yesterday. But when I do, please remember that I will always include “Top News and Tidbits”, “Status Updates” and “End Notes” somewhere between 2 to 15 pages down the report. But it’s there, I promise. Today, this will only be […]
Mayo 05, 2020 El secretario ejecutivo de la Unidad Administrativa de Bienes Revertidos (UABR), Fernando Paniagua informó este martes que los hijos de las personas afectadas por el COVID-19 tendrán alojamiento temporal en el sector de Amador. Se trata del edificio N° 36, situado en dicha área, que fue habilitado como albergue temporal para un […]
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 Early on, my beautiful mother taught me to never bring up Politics, Sex or Religion into the company of new acquaintances or unfamiliar places. Apparently though, no one on social media has ever met my mom because everywhere you look, that’s just about all you see. I like to call these […]
Mayo 04, 2020 El presidente de la República, Laurentino Cortizo sancionó la Ley 295 que adopta medidas sociales especiales para la suspensión temporal, por 4 meses, del pago de servicios públicos como energía eléctrica, telefonía fija y móvil e internet. También anunció acuerdos con los bancos para una moratoria hasta el 31 de diciembre. El […]
Monday, May 4, 2020 It was an accomplished weekend. No precipitation meant a dry lawn anxious for attention. We completely trimmed the back of the house, cleaned the “Brett cave”, organized materials and instruments and watered all of the plants. The hummingbirds were impatient as always and we cleaned and refilled their feeders. The boys […]
Friday, May 1, 2020 What a day! For some reason, I was late. I have no idea how this happened as I’m typically punctual regardless of the traffic or the tardiness of others. If I was going to make it to Quito today, I needed to run. Oddly, I didn’t even have a carry-on […]
Abril 30, 2020 AFP Sinovac Biotech es uno de los cuatro laboratorios chinos autorizados a emprender ensayos clínicos. Aunque su vacuna aún no se ha probado, el grupo privado dice que está listo para producir 100 millones de dosis al año para combatir el virus, aparecido en China a finales de 2019. En 2009, adelantó […]
Thursday, April 30, 2020 The circle of life moves along whether we choose to watch for it or not. Hailing from God’s country in Northern Wisconsin, we lived amongst and witnessed the circle of life in our day to day lives. Nature was a thriving part of everything we did from anxiously anticipating the ripening […]