Abril 29, 2020 Iniciamos con la noticia sobresaliente del día, finalmente el presidente de la República, Laurentino Cortizo, anunció que ya está habilitado el uso de la cédula de identidad personal para cobrar el bono del programa Panamá Solidario a partir de este 30 de abril. Unas 84 mil personas será los primeros beneficiarios. ” […]
Category Archives: Covid-19
Posts related to the virus SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19)
Wednesday, April 29, 2020 Apart from being a Private Investigator and Polygraph Examiner, I also advise clients on how lower their security risks at their homes, offices, stores or wherever. And although I did finally get my salvoconducto, I try not to leave out for just any reason. Today however, “Sensor #2” of the alarm at […]
Abril 28, 2020 Diversos cierres de calles se produjeron hoy 28 de abril en distintos puntos del país. Los protestantes exigen la entrega de los bonos solidarios y bolsas de comida, componentes del plan Panamá Solidario que impulsa el gobierno de Laurentino Cortizo para ayudar a la población más necesitada en medio de la pandemia. […]
April 28, 2020 This morning, I was chatting with my buddy Ron and he asked me, “Dude, where do you get your material from? It’s hilarious!” I hesitated, because I didn’t know if he meant one of the articles that I translate from open news sources or what? Then I realized he meant my stories. […]
Abril 27, 2020 Iniciamos la semana con mucha información importante, mientras nuestro país registró para hoy dos fallecidos por coronavirus en las últimas 24 horas, lo que suma un total de 167 defunciones por el virus desde que se reportó el primer caso en el país. En tanto, el total de contagiados hasta este lunes […]
April 27, 2020 Good men through the ages, trying to find the sun And I wonder, still I wonder, who’ll stop the rain? – John Fogerty One of the many songs on my massive “Honey-Do Playlist”, a bit of Fogerty played through my earbuds as I trudged towards the shed to fetch the mower. Almost […]
Abril 24, 2020 Iniciaremos este resumen de lo que acontece día a día en Panamá con estas palabras del secretario general de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU), António Gutérres, quien elogió este jueves 23 de abril la labor del presidente de la República, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, frente a la pandemia del COVID-19. Gutérres, en […]
April 24, 2020 I’d like to finish off the week by introducing you to the Biting Midges of the Genus Culicoides from Panama (Diptera: Heleidae). A fascinating little creature, there are over 1000 species in the genus, which is divided into many subgenera. Several species are known to be vectors of various diseases and parasites […]
April 23, 2020 Being the international man of mystery that I am, you would think that hardly anything could surprise me. However, I have 1 daughter, 2 sons and a grandson and they constantly surprise the hell out of me. Today, my oldest son turned 12 years old. At breakfast today, just before 9:00a.m., I […]
April 22, 2020 I finished all of my chores yesterday thanks to the wimpy, yet ultra-effective, mini electric chainsaw. So, today I decided to just do a run-through of the basics and pay attention to the finer details of the garden. It’s amazing if you just add a touch of care to something you can […]